Madonna most googled on SB Sunday - Ingles

Madonna's Super Bowl XLVI halftime performance may have been overshadowed by M.I.A.'s gesture, but that didn't stop the Material Girl from being the most searched term on Google during the game.

Google broke down Super Bowl search trends on their blog Monday. The top five trending searches were: Madonna, Halftime show, Patriots, Tom Brady and Giants.

This Super Bowl's U.S. audience was doing more than snacking on buffalo wings in between plays. According to Google, an increasing number of fans turned to their smartphones and tablets to look up players, halftime show performers and their favorite Super Bowl commercials.

Approximately 41% of searches relating to Super Bowl commercials were made from mobile devices, an increase of 25% compared to the same time the previous day.

This article was written by Mike Foss and appeared in USA Today.

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