Super Bowl XLVI - Doritos, M&M’s ads top Super Bowl commercial surveys - Ingles
The surveys are in, and Dorito’s and M&M’s were among the high scorers for Super Bowl commercials yesterday.
Doritos won Mullen’s “Brand Bowl 2012” based on 400,000 tweets monitored by the Boston ad agency, which compiled its rankings by the volume of chatter and positive and negative commentaries.
Doritos’ two consumer-generated ads included “Man’s Best Friend,” in which a cat-eating dog bribed a man with Doritos to keep him quiet, and “Sling Baby,” which had a grandmother sling-shooting a baby to retrieve a bag of the snack chips from a boy in a tree fort.
The other top Brand Bowl finishers were Swedish retailer H&M’s commercial featuring a silent David Beckham showing off his chiseled bod in only underwear and Chrysler’s “Halftime in America” ad about the country rebounding from the economic downturn that starred actor and director Clint Eastwood.
Go Daddy — which used its sexy women formula in ads starring race car driver Danica Patrick, former “Biggest Loser” coach Jillian Michaels, a Brazilian supermodel and the Pussycat Dolls — had the highest number of negative tweets and ranked as the least-liked brand, according to Mullen.
“This was truly a watershed year for social media and the Super Bowl,” Edward Boches, Mullen’s chief innovation officer, said in a statement. “With nearly 200 million people on Twitter and two-third’s of all smart-phone owners using social media while watching TV, just about every brand built interactive elements into their commercials, knowing that the true measurement of success these days is immediate consumer reaction and long-term consumer engagement.”
M&M’s, meanwhile, was at the top of the Super Bowl advertising review by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. The Mars brand’s “It’s That Kind of Party” commercial featured a red M&M who shed his clothing at a party after mistakenly thinking a Brown M&M was naked.
“What’s notable about this year versus others is that advertisers played it safe,” Kellogg School professor of marketing Tim Calkins said in a statement. “As a result, we saw fewer standouts, but we also didn’t see as many costly mistakes.”
Skechers and Dannon also were among the top-ranked advertisers in the Kellogg School survey, while Go Daddy, Cadillac and Hulu landed at the bottom.
(source Boston Herald)