Rex Ryan's cold feet over NY Jets' 'Hard Knocks'

Rex Ryan's cold feet over NY Jets' 'Hard Knocks' do-over nothing new

Rex Ryan’s reluctance to do Hard Knocks is nothing new.

Despite a report Wednesday that Ryan is standing in the way of the Jets making a return engagement to the HBO training camp series, the mouthy coach expressed his hesitation at the league meetings in March.

Ryan, whose salty language became a national sensation during Gang Green’s 2010 appearance on the show, said at the meetings in Orlando an encore performance may not be a good idea.

“At that time (2010), I thought ‘Hard Knocks’ was good for us. We had nothing to hide,” said Ryan. “We were going to be ourselves, and I think it portrayed us pretty good. I don't know about all that right now.”

Owner Woody Johnson, who grabbed headlines with the acquisition of Tim Tebow, has expressed interest in having his team the focus of a national show again.

On April 2, Johnson — at a league event — said the Jets hadn’t been asked to be on the show, but “when we do, we will take a look at it.”

An HBO spokesman told the News Wednesday that no team has been approached about being featured this year.

“It’s early in the process,” he said.

This article appeared in the New York Daily News.

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