Super Bowl XLV – Tuesday, February 1, 2011
(on the lowest point of the season for him) “For me this season it was Wednesday and Thursday of the (New England) Patriots week because I had a concussion from the Detroit (Lions) game and had to go home. I’d been sent home from school before, but never from work. So it was tough to be away from the guys – I really missed them, missed being around them, missed the meetings, missed practice, and eventually had to miss the game. So that was the toughest couple of days there.”
(on what he looks forward to the most this week) “The game. I enjoy this right here (the media session), but I get paid to play, not to talk to the media.”
(on if he called Brett Favre or if Brett Favre called him to talk about expectations for the Super Bowl) “No.”
(on his favorite quote or scripture or verse that gives him the most inspiration) “I’ve got a few. The whole psalm 91, and also John 10:10.”
(on Bart Starr and what inspiration it has been to play for the same organization all these years) “Yeah, it’s great to be able to play for the Packers. It’s a privilege. Bart has been incredible to me – in the last three years especially – with the e-mails and conversations that I’ve been able to share with him. He’s an incredible man and a guy I’d love to model my career after.”
(on Cowboys Stadium and what he hopes the environment will do for the Packers offense) “I hope it’s great. I hope it’s great for our pass game. We’ve played pretty well in the domes. That’s a pretty big screen up there – I’m sure (Packers punter) Tim (Masthay) will be trying to hit that in warm-ups. But this is a great stadium, a great set-up, and we’re excited.”
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