Thomas drops the ball on comments about Tebow

I heard Broncos receiver Demaryius Thomas ripped former teammate Tim Tebow. During a radio interview, Thomas said: "Everything on ESPN was about Tim. That bothered some players, because they would say, 'Tim Tebow Time.' I felt like it was a team thing. If it wasn't for the defense most of the time, there wouldn't be no supposed 'Tim Tebow Time.' " I cannot understand what made Thomas say this, and it makes me sick. I wonder how Thomas thinks he has the right to open his mouth. In Thomas, I watched a guy who was obviously out of shape early in the season. I watched a receiver who routinely dropped pass after pass, only to come to the sideline and have Tebow encourage him. I am hoping you or someone else is planning to slam this clown.

Josh, Butte, Mont.

Kiz: Way to stay classy, Mr. Thomas. Can you hear the booing for you echoing throughout the Rocky Mountains? But, right or wrong, Thomas was not alone in the Denver locker room with his thought that Tebow Time was more media hype than athletic skill. That's why it was best for all concerned when John Elway traded Tebow after the acquisition of Peyton Manning. The circus needed to leave town. As much as Tebow supporters might not want to hear it, the calliope music that accompanies Tebowmania hinders his development as a quarterback, because football people don't like dealing with the noise of distraction.

This article was written by Mark Kiszla and appeared in the Denver Post.

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