Q. How excited are you to work under John Elway?
VON MILLER: I'm extremely excited for the opportunity to go to Denver and prove myself.
Q. You're going to work with a defensive guru, how much are you looking forward to working with them?
VON MILLER: I'm extremely excited. I've known him before. He's a great guy. He's a guru, a wizard and I feel like I've got a lot to contribute to the team. I feel like I can help to contribute to win, so working with Coach Fox I think will be a perfect fit.
Q. It's a little bit away from Texas, isn't it?
VON MILLER: It's a little bit away but it's not too far.
Q. What was the moment like when you got the phone call, what was going through your head?
VON MILLER: You know, I was watching my phone. My phone didn't ring. I was like, maybe it's not my pick and I looked up to my dad's phone and it had the 303 area code. I knew immediately who it was. I got on the phone and talked to Coach Sanders and I had an immediate flashback from little league football all the way to this point now and I just remember all the guys who told me I can't.
I'm just extremely grateful to have this opportunity to get in the NFL and prove myself.
Q. Did any of the teams you talked to along the way have any reaction to you being a named plaintiff in the case?
VON MILLER: You know, it was about football. I think they know me. I think they did the research and I think they checked my background to know that I'm not a troublemaker and I'm not a guy that just looks for attention. I'm a team guy. Whatever it takes to help out my team is what I do. That's one of the main reasons why I joined.
Q. Are you pleased with the last couple of days?
VON MILLER: I'm extremely pleased about the whole thing. I'm grateful, to make progress and I know both sides of the NFL and players are both working extremely hard, and I'm glad to see there's some progress.
Q. Finally you had some emotion it looked like when you got picked; did you gather your feelings and your thoughts?
VON MILLER: Yes, sir. Like I said, I just had a flashback all the way from little league, second grade, ninth grade, tenth grade, college, all the way through. I just remember the adversity I've been through and what it took to overcome that and I was just extremely, you know, grateful to have this opportunity to prove myself in the National Football League.
Q. Were you annoyed you weren't No. 1?
VON MILLER: No, I wasn't annoyed. Whatever team got me, I was going to be grateful to play for those guys and when the Broncos picked me, I'm extremely grateful to be a Bronco, going to Mile High Stadium and proving myself.
Q. What adversity is it? That you're nearsighted? What adversity is it?
VON MILLER: Playing football is always adversity, especially defense and especially in my shoes. I've never played the same position twice, two years straight.
That's adversity within itself. Going to Texas A&M, battling all of those great teams in the Big 12, that's adversity. The season that we had my senior year, after turning it around after three straight losses and winning six games straight, that's adversity. You know, it gets deeper than that, but I don't have time to have a documentary, but I'm telling you, playing football, it's a lot of adversity.
Q. What about playing in the AFC West with some great receivers, that's going to be a big challenge. What do you feel technique wise you have to do?
VON MILLER: I just have to stick to the same formula of success that I've had, and that's just taking it one day at a time and trying to maximize my days.
I think I've proven time and time again, I feel and in person that I can drop back in coverage and I can take care of all of the responsibilities it takes to be a great running back.
Q. We hear that they are making a decision on the appeal as soon as tonight. Have you heard anything, and do you feel that now that you are with the team, this could be a distraction for your own working out and being a plaintiff in the case?
VON MILLER: It has not been a distraction and I don't feel like it's going to be a distraction at all.
I'm not on my cell phone, I'm a little away from the world, but when I get back to my cell phone I'm sure I'll be updated with all the stuff.
Q. Are you happy you went back to school and the way this worked out?
VON MILLER: I'm extremely happy. I'm extremely happy. It's surreal and I just want to thank God for all of the things He's put in my life and the success He's given me. I'm extremely happy.
Q. Did you speak to anyone in the Broncos organization?
VON MILLER: I talked to them and their message was they were happy to have me there. I've talked to those guys before. I want to get to Denver and I want to get there and I want to prove myself.