Q. There are a lot of great pass rushers in the NFC East. I know your looking forward to the challenge to help yourself get better?
TYRON SMITH: Yeah, I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm willing to work hard and study film on anybody that I need to study film on to compete.
Q. How do you feel about playing with DeMarcus Ware?
TYRON SMITH: Excited. Very excited.
Q. In the NFL, facing different defenses, what do you feel about the learning curve; what do you feel you're going to have to work on to adapt to the pro game?
TYRON SMITH: I feel like there's going to be a lot of film study and a lot of practice. It's going to be a lot of overnight ‑‑ it's basically going to be up to me how hard I work on it.
Q. Technique‑wise, what are some of the advantages that might help you right away?
TYRON SMITH: Technique‑wise, coming off the ball fast, having a vertical press in pass protection and basically, being like somebody is going to steal your job.
Q. Are you looking to start right away?
TYRON SMITH: Only time will tell.
Q. What sort of things did you learn in college that prepared you to face the NFL's defense?
TYRON SMITH: Well, all the coaches that I had in college prepared me for this level. They had, as far as like preparing for games, running pro‑style offense prepared us for the next level and we had a lot of coaches who coach in the NFL that basically prepared us.
Q. Your dad was in the business, do you come in here maybe less starry‑eyed than your counterparts and are you aware of the issues?
TYRON SMITH: Say that again?
Q. The business side, the labor situation.
TYRON SMITH: Education is important, and I still have one more year left. I came out early as a junior and the whole lockout situation is basically ‑‑ my saying is "always be ready to work" and whenever the whole thing is over with and cleared and everything like that, it's basically come in here and work and I'm ready to work.
Q. Do you plan to coach and teach after football?
TYRON SMITH: I don't know. I won't know until after it's over with.
Q. What do you study at USC?
TYRON SMITH: I studied real estate.
Q. How do you see yourself fitting in with the offense?
TYRON SMITH: I feel like I'll fit in pretty well, as long as I learn from the veterans, any kind of help they can give me, any kind of help the coaches can give me, I feel like I'll fit in pretty well.
Q. How does it feel to be drafted?
TYRON SMITH: It's a privilege and I'm very blessed to be in this spot right now.
Q. When you made the decision to enter the draft ‑‑ inaudible.
TYRON SMITH: No, I had a mind‑set, I didn't know where I was going to go. Basically, I wanted to be surprised by it.
Q. Did you watch Larry Allen and the other great offensive linemen growing up?
TYRON SMITH: Not so much, just like a little bit.
Q. Who did you really like model yourself after or idolize?
TYRON SMITH: Growing up, I never had a favorite team. Just basically enjoyed watching the sport.
Q. Inaudible.
TYRON SMITH: I was in the same spot as anybody else and I feel like age has nothing to do with it.
Q. Did you talk with Jason Garrett?
TYRON SMITH: Yeah, that's the last person I talked to before I went on to the stage, and I said I'm excited and ready to work.
Q. Do you feel like your progression will be able to augment very quickly under him?
Q. Do you think so?
TYRON SMITH: Do I think so? Yeah.
Q. What about the rivalry in the NFC East going against the Giants and Redskins and Eagles?
TYRON SMITH: Yeah, I'm looking forward to anything that's being thrown at me.
Q. Inaudible.
TYRON SMITH: Not at all. It's always been my dream to go to the next level. You know, I'm taking advantage of this opportunity and happy to be in this spot right now.
Q. What about joining the tradition of the Cowboys?
TYRON SMITH: I'm happy to join the tradition, and I feel like it's going to be a great time for me. It's going to be a great time. It's going to be a privilege playing in that stadium and I can't wait.
Q. Did you talk to the coaches yet?
TYRON SMITH: Just Coach Garrett.
Q. Did you talk to Coach Carroll about his experiences in the NFL and anything you need to work on?
TYRON SMITH: Yeah, Coach Carroll, he was always having speeches and lectures to us about the next level, what to expect, what you need to prepare for and basically they did a pretty nice job preparing us for the next level. I'm grateful for everything they did for me.
Q. Playing in the NFL is a big responsibility in terms of what you give back to the community. Are there any charities right now that you support or any that you see yourself supporting in the future?
TYRON SMITH: Just having like little mini‑camps just for kids and anyway I can give back to the community.
Q. The pro level, certain types of plays that you run, traps, etc., how do you feel that technique‑wise, what type of challenges do you face?
TYRON SMITH: Everything is going to be a challenge and a lot of hard work. It's a zone offense, the same offense we ran at the USC. It's going to be a big transition going to the next level.