Opening Statement:

“OK, good to see everybody’s here. Our usual, steady crowd, right? Obviously, it’s an exciting opportunity that our guys have earned. You know, you earn it by winning a game like that – that everybody here saw – and now we have an opportunity to go to the next level and play the next team in the tournament, the Colts, who have earned their position and deserve to be where they’re at. And we’re looking forward to a chance to play them. I just think some things in the game really stood out. First of all, it was a fast start, obviously, but turnovers were huge, and then making points off of turnovers. Field position was big in that game, mostly because of the turnovers but also because of the special teams. I think our average drive start was the 50-yard line for the game, and theirs was the 35 [-yard line], so that’s big. Pressure. Third down was a big difference; we dominated third down. And then crunch time – the end of the game, the end of the half – we were successful in both of those situations. So, that’s why you win like that.”

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Posted by Necesitamos Mas Football on 12:37 p. m.. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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